Friday 30 August 2013

Blue Watermarble

Hi guys! So today, I just wanted to share with you my Blue Watermarble mani!
If you don't know what a watermarble design is, it is a design made by dropping drops of polish onto a cup filled with water and using a toothpick or dotting tool to drag the colours around and create a design. Some people don't enjoy this process because you have to choose the right consistency of polish and you have to experiment which polishes work and which polishes don't, which take a LOT of time! Also, the clean up is a PAIN for some people but for me, it's easier to clean up than a gradient mani because the colour doesn't seep underneath your cuticles, but that's MY opinion. I don't know if this happens to other people. If you still don't understand me, just click here for a tutorial by Mucking Fusser, the Watermarble Queen  

Products used, Sinful Colors - Snow Me White, Ulta 3 - Soft Hydrangea and BC Co. - Shade 21.

Sadly, the polish kept spreading out WHILST I was doing the design so instead of getting clean. straight lines, I got wonky and uneven lines :(

So comment below, are you going to try this type of design? I hope you have a better result than mine if you decide to try watermarbling!

Anyways, I hope you liked this mani and thanks for reading!

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